~ St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) is gearing up for a full-scale exercise on Saturday, June 8, 2024. The airport will be utilizing Runway 11-29 on the west side of the facility for this training drill, which will focus on a hypothetical accident involving a plane and a drone during take-off.

The exercise will include an active simulated aircraft fire and will involve various surrounding municipalities and organizations as mutual aid partners. These include Abbott EMS, Berkley Fire Department, Ferguson Fire Department, Maryland Heights Fire Department, Overland Fire Department, Pattonville Fire Department, Boeing, City of St. Louis Police and Fire Departments, St. Ann Police Department, City of St. John Police Department and Woodson Terrace Police Department. To make the training as realistic as possible, role players will also be participating.

The full-scale event is set to begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday and is expected to run until approximately noon. The meeting location for participants is the parking lot of the Airport Office Building (AOB) at 11495 Navaid Road. Buses will depart for the exercise location at 8:35 a.m.

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Members of the media who wish to attend as observers are required to contact STL's Roger Lotz by noon on Friday (6/7). In order to attend the gate event, media personnel must provide their name and media organization.

As part of their role as observers in STL's full-scale exercise, members of the media will have an elevated viewing area just northwest of the runway where they can witness the simulated accident firsthand. Photographers will have a clear view of the planned incident from this location. Additionally, reporters will have the opportunity to interview exercise participants in the Friends and Family Center located in STL's Terminal 1 Concourse B during the exercise.

STL also plans to hold a press conference during the exercise where media members can participate and gather more information about the training drill. This event is a valuable opportunity for both the airport and participating organizations to practice their emergency response procedures and ensure the safety of all passengers and personnel.

Filed Under: Government, City

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