~ In a move to strengthen the City of St. Louis, Mayor Tishaura O. Jones, President of the Board of Aldermen Megan Green, and Alderwoman Alisha Sonnier (7) have introduced the TRANSFORM STL Act. This bill aims to utilize the Rams Settlement Funds for major investments in infrastructure, development, and families and children.

According to Mayor Jones, this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity that will have a lasting impact on the lives of many generations to come. She believes that every neighborhood in St. Louis deserves to benefit from these settlement funds.

The TRANSFORM STL Act will allocate money from the Rams Settlement into three main funds: infrastructure, development, and people. The infrastructure fund will receive $100 million, with $40 million going towards citywide water infrastructure and $60 million towards citywide mobility infrastructure.

The development fund will also receive $100 million, with $70 million designated for a citywide housing fund and $30 million for a citywide neighborhood development fund.

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The people fund will receive $77.2 million and will be divided into three accounts: a citywide workforce fund with $20 million, an affordable child care account with $37.2 million, and an affordable postsecondary opportunities account with $20 million.

President of the Board of Aldermen Megan Green explains that this structure allows city departments to secure matching grants and low-interest loan programs while also ensuring that the funds continue to grow through interest-bearing accounts.

Alderwoman Alisha Sonnier of the 7th Ward emphasizes that this legislation was developed after months of community consensus-building. She believes that it addresses issues that impact residents on a daily basis such as attracting and retaining workers in the city.

To ensure transparency and accountability, each fund will have an associated board with citizen members and public board meetings. Additionally, all appropriations must be recommended by each fund's designated board before being approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment.

The TRANSFORM STL Act is a comprehensive plan that aims to reach every corner of the city and provide opportunities for all residents to be a part of St. Louis' transformation. More information on the specifics of this bill can be found on the informational sheet provided by the city.

Filed Under: Government, City

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