~ Springfield City Nears Completion of Community Development Code Update Initiative

The City of Springfield is in the final stages of its Community Development Code Update Initiative, with Planning & Development staff inviting the public to review working drafts and provide feedback by the end of January. The community is also encouraged to set up meetings with staff to discuss the updates in person.

This push for input from the community comes after three open houses in 2024 and numerous engagements with developers, neighborhood organizations, and other stakeholders. The goal is to gather feedback on the update to the Land Development Code, which plays a crucial role in guiding and regulating development in Springfield.

To review the proposed updates and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), interested parties can visit and click on Working Draft Articles.

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Important dates have been set for this process, including a public comment period closing on January 31st, a Planning & Zoning Commission public hearing/recommendation on February 13th, and a City Council first reading on March 10th. The final vote will take place at the City Council second reading on March 24th.

This update to the Land Development Code is part of the implementation phase of Forward SGF, which was adopted in November 2022 as Springfield's Comprehensive Plan. The plan aims to shape the future of Springfield based on community-driven vision.

Specifically, the code updates target Chapter 36 Land Development Code, which includes zoning regulations and subdivision regulations. These updates will also coordinate with Article V: Building Code and other city codes that regulate infrastructure design.

It is worth noting that this is the first comprehensive update of Springfield's development codes since 1995. While there have been some amendments over time, this effort will focus on implementing key concepts from Forward SGF and ensuring consistency among all codes related to new development.

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Forward SGF recognizes several trends that need to be considered when updating development codes. These include an increased emphasis on quality of place, creating complete neighborhoods with diverse housing options, and finding practical solutions for modern parking demands. The update will also address emerging consumer trends such as outdoor dining, drive-up services, and environmentally conscious development.

Other key considerations include improving the city's streetscapes, integrating flexibility in permitted and conditional uses, and streamlining procedures for zoning, platting, site plans, and appeals.

The City of Springfield is committed to involving the community in this process and encourages all interested parties to review the working drafts and provide feedback before the set deadlines. With the final vote scheduled for March 24th, the City is on track to complete this important update to its development codes in spring 2025.

Filed Under: Government, City

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