Springfield ~ The Springfield-Greene County Health Department has launched an updated Vaccine Opportunities map at, making it easier for residents of Greene County to find vaccines to protect against more than twenty diseases.

The map was initially created in 2021 to make COVID-19 vaccinations more accessible for the community, and has since been expanded to include flu shot opportunities. It now includes walk-in clinics, pharmacies and health department vaccination events throughout the county. The vaccines are divided into five categories: COVID-19 (Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, etc.), Travel (Japanese Encephalitis, Polio, Pre-Exposure Rabies, etc.), Seasonal (Flu and Pneumonia), Childhood (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (TDAP), Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR), HPV, Chickenpox, etc.) and Other adult (Shingles, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B).

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Vaccines are one of the best tools available to protect individuals from preventable diseases. They can help prevent the resurgence of diseases like measles which have reappeared in other communities. Vaccinating those around children and adults who cannot receive certain vaccinations due to age or health circumstances is also crucial for their protection. Even when vaccinations are not 100% effective at preventing disease they can still prevent serious illness and complications.

The Health Department emphasizes that vaccines are safe and effective with most people only experiencing mild side effects if any at all. If anyone has questions or concerns about what vaccines are recommended for them they should speak with a healthcare provider to get more information about their specific circumstances. When ready to find a vaccination opportunity that works for them they can head to

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