~ The City of Springfield has announced that they are now accepting bids from contractors for the first phase of the highly anticipated Renew Jordan Creek project. The deadline for bids is set for 2 p.m. on Wednesday, September 18.

Renew Jordan Creek is a multi-phase project aimed at restoring the historic Jordan Creek by modifying the existing floodplain and floodway areas. Currently, these areas are confined in concrete box culverts that run through downtown Springfield from east to west. The first phase of the project will uncover 1,100 feet of the creek and restore it to a more natural state in an area located north of Water Street between Boonville and Main avenues.

Aside from reducing flooding, the project also aims to serve as an urban amenity and encourage private redevelopment in the area. Due to funding sources and permitting requirements, the first phase will be divided into two parts. Part A includes excavation work to create a naturalized open channel between Main and Boonville avenues, as well as improvements such as sanitary sewer main upgrades, civic plaza spaces, greenway trail segments, dog park facilities, and ADA-compliant improvements.

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Part B involves box culvert improvements and sewer main upgrades along with re-installation of existing parking lot pavements. Bids for both parts will be accepted at the City of Springfield SRT Building until 2 p.m. on September 18.

Interested contractors can obtain bid documents and plans from Springfield Blueprint or through their website. An optional pre-bid conference will also be held virtually on August 28 at 1:30 p.m.

The Renew Jordan Creek effort is a transformative project that aims to restore the historic creek as it flows through downtown Springfield. The first phase will focus on two large blocks in Jordan Valley Park bordered by Boonville Avenue on the east, Water Street on the south, Main Avenue on the west, and Mill Street on the north.

Aside from flood reduction and water quality improvements, the project also aims to enhance pedestrian connectivity, integrate sustainable greenspaces, and improve comfort and safety in the area. Later phases of the project will include improvements at Founders Park and the City-owned property at 404 N. Jefferson Ave.

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Funding for the first phase will come from a combination of local sources and outside grants. Local funding will be provided by the City's Level Property Tax, ¼-cent and 1/8-cent sales taxes, and Environmental Services Green Infrastructure funds. External funding sources include grants from Surface Transportation Block Grants, Local ARPA funds, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) ARPA funds, a Department of Economic Development ARPA grant, Environmental Protection Agency and DNR grants, as well as assistance from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) program.

The project has completed its environmental review and permitting processes through various agencies such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, and BNSF Railway. Construction is expected to begin this fall with a projected completion date in late 2026. The City plans to hold a Construction Preview and Impacts meeting in early fall to inform the public and local businesses about what to expect during construction.

To learn more about the Renew Jordan Creek project or sign up for email updates, interested individuals can visit

Filed Under: Government, City

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