~ The City of Springfield has recently announced that they have lost access to their popular "X" account on Twitter, with the last official post being made on May 4. As of May 7, the city will no longer be able to use this account and there are currently no plans to create a new one.

According to Cora Scott, the director of Public Information & Civic Engagement, the city is working to recover the account but in the meantime, they are encouraging their 18,000 plus followers to unfollow the X account. The city will now be using their Facebook page to provide play-by-play coverage of City Council meetings and the Mayor's State of the City Address. This coverage will be posted in the comment section under livestreams of these events.

"We regret any inconvenience this may cause for our followers and we encourage them to unfollow the X account," said Scott. "Those interested in following the City on social media can still find us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Nextdoor."

In addition to social media, the City of Springfield also utilizes a variety of traditional and nontraditional communication tools to reach their stakeholders including residents, business owners, developers and others. Scott emphasized that it is important for stakeholders to seek out their preferred method of receiving information.

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"We rely on our stakeholders to seek out the tools that they prefer to use to get details on news, events, programs and more," she said. "Subscribe to an eBlast, visit our social media sites check out the City calendar on our website – in short, please use and peruse the tool of your choice to find the information you need when you need it."

The city also offers other ways for residents and stakeholders to connect and engage with them. This includes live streaming various meetings such as City Council meetings and Planning & Zoning Commission meetings on their website as well as their Facebook page. They also have a video library on their website for those who may have missed a meeting.

The City of Springfield also partners with local news media to run public service announcements for various education and emergency relief events and issues. These PSAs are also shared across the city's communication platforms.

For those who prefer print publications, the city offers the SGF Neighborhood News which is printed quarterly and mailed to subscribers. The digital version is also available on their website The Springfield-Greene County Park Board also publishes The Park Bench program guide three times a year, which can be found on their website

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The city also utilizes direct mail pieces, door hangers, and phone hotlines to reach residents and businesses as needed. They also have a smartphone app called GoSpringfieldMO! which allows users to submit service requests and stay connected with the city.

For those who prefer in-person communication, the Citizen Resource Center is available for walk-in traffic at the Busch Municipal Building. Residents can also make appointments to chat with staff members at this location.

In addition to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Nextdoor, YouTube, Vimeo, and Reddit accounts for various departments within the city such as Police, Fire, Parks, Workforce Development, Health Department and more. The city also has separate social media accounts for specific events such as the Birthplace of Route 66 Festival hotline.

Overall, the City of Springfield offers a variety of ways for residents and stakeholders to connect and engage with them. With traditional methods such as print publications and in-person communication as well as modern methods like social media and smartphone apps, they strive to provide information in a way that is convenient for everyone.

Filed Under: Government, City

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