~ Kansas City Water (KC Water) has proposed revisions and updates to their Rules and Regulations for Water Service Lines and Rules and Regulations for Water Main Extensions and Relocations. These changes aim to improve the clarity of language within the documents and update permit costs.

A draft of the proposed Rules and Regulations, along with a summary of major changes and provisions, can be found on the KC Water website at The public is encouraged to review these documents before a virtual Public Meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 1 p.m. CST.

The meeting can be accessed online through the "Public Meeting for Rules and Regulations" link on the KC Water website or by phone at 872-212-5076 (toll), conference ID 779 372 076#. Comments can also be submitted during this meeting.

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Written comments can be submitted via email to or by mail or delivery to Travis W Kiefer, P.E., Permitting & Development Divisions Head, KC Water, City Hall 5th Floor (East), 414 E. 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64106. All written comments must be received by KC Water by 4 p.m. CST on Thursday, January 9, 2025.

For any questions or concerns regarding these proposed changes, individuals can contact Travis Kiefer at 816-513-2139 or

KC Water is committed to ensuring that all individuals have equal access to participate in this process. Any person with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend the meeting should contact the 311 Action Center at 311, 816-513-1313, TTY:513-1889 or

These proposed revisions and updates are an important step in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of KC Water's services. The public is encouraged to participate in the process and provide their feedback on these proposed changes.

Filed Under: Government, Water

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