(COLUMBIA, MO) ~ Columbia, MO - On Friday, Jan. 17, at 4:38 p.m., the Columbia Fire Department received a call about a residential structure fire in the 20 block of Bryant Walkway. Responding quickly, the fire department arrived at the scene in just four minutes.

Upon arrival, firefighters found a multiplex with smoke visible and flames contained to the first floor of one unit. With swift action, the fire was extinguished in approximately five minutes. Thanks to their efforts, the damage was limited to only the unit where the fire originated.

A total of eleven units from the Columbia Fire Department and 28 personnel responded to this incident. Fortunately, there were no human injuries reported. However, one cat did tragically perish in the fire.

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After conducting an investigation, Columbia Fire officials determined that the cause of the fire was accidental. It was caused by grease on a burner while cooking.

In light of this incident, the Columbia Fire Department would like to remind residents about the importance of having working smoke alarms in their homes. These devices can save lives and should be placed on every level of a home and outside sleeping areas. It is also crucial to check smoke alarms monthly and change their batteries at least twice a year when adjusting clocks for Daylight Saving Time. Smoke alarms over 10 years old should be replaced.

The Columbia Fire Department urges all residents to take these precautions seriously to prevent future incidents like this one from occurring.

Filed Under: Government, City

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