(COLUMBIA, MO) ~ Columbia, MO - The City of Columbia Stormwater Utility has released a draft of the updated City of Columbia/Boone County/University of Missouri joint Stormwater Management Plan and is inviting residents to review and provide feedback. The plan outlines the programs, practices, and goals for addressing the water-quality impacts of stormwater runoff over the next five years.

This update is necessary for the City to comply with its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, which is delegated authority by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Interested parties can access the draft plan on

To further engage with the community, a public meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 13 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at City Hall in Conference Room 1A/1B. Residents are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts on the draft plan.

Comments can also be submitted online at until Feb. 28.

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Under the federal Clean Water Act, MS4 permits are issued to cities, counties, and other public entities that operate a stormwater drainage system that collects and manages stormwater runoff before discharging it into streams, lakes, and other water bodies. The joint MS4 permit was first issued in 2003 and has implemented various programs and initiatives to address stormwater quality since then.

The updated Stormwater Management Plan fulfills a primary requirement of the MS4 permit and outlines measures for reducing pollutants in stormwater runoff. These measures include public education and outreach on stormwater impacts, public involvement and participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site stormwater runoff controls, post-construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment, as well as pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations.

While many of the programs included in the plan are well-established and do not represent significant changes from the previous five years, some new goals have been added based on identified needs and priorities.

Residents can access the full plan on and leave comments on For more information on the City of Columbia's stormwater programs, visit

Filed Under: Government, City

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