(COLUMBIA, MO) ~ Columbia, MO - The City of Columbia is gearing up for their annual Arbor Day tree giveaway, in collaboration with the Parks and Recreation Department, TreeKeepers volunteer group, Tree Board, and Columbia Farmers Market. The event will take place on Saturday, April 20 at the MU Health Care Pavilion, home of the Columbia Farmers Market.

Starting at 8 a.m., residents can come and collect two tree seedlings each until supplies run out. This year's selection includes a variety of trees such as American beautyberry, bald cypress, black walnut, blackberry, bur oak, chinkapin oak, hazelnut, Kentucky coffeetree, ninebark, pecan, persimmon, pitch loblolly pine, redbud, serviceberry, river birch and swamp white oak.

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The City of Columbia has been designated as a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation for their commitment to maintaining a strong forestry program. This recognition is given to cities that meet four standards: having a tree board or department in place; implementing a tree care ordinance; having a comprehensive community forestry program; and observing Arbor Day annually.

Residents who are interested in participating in the tree giveaway can contact Parks and Recreation at 573.874.7460 for more information. Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to the city's greenery and celebrate Arbor Day!

Filed Under: Government, City

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